在Notepad++ 6.4正式版发布后的第二天,紧急更新修正版Notepad++ 6.4.1便来到,其修正了6.4版中的崩溃问题。 Notepad++编辑器提供了一个简洁高效的完全可由用户定制的界面;并有完整的中文化接口及支持多国语言撰写的功能。 Notepad++主要特点: 1、内置支持多达27种语法高亮度显示(包括各种常见的源代码、脚本,能够很好地支持.nfo文件查看),还支持自定义语言。 2、可自动检测文件类型,根据关键字显示节点,节点可自由折叠/打开,还可显示缩进引导线,代码显示得很有层次感。 3、可打开双窗口,在分窗口中又可打开多个子窗口,允许快捷切换全屏显示模式(F11),支持鼠标滚轮改变文档显示比例。 4、提供了一些有用工具,如邻行互换位置、宏功能等。 5、可显示选中文本的字节数(而不是一般编辑器所显示的字数,这在某些情况下,比如软件本地化很方便)。 Notepad++ 6.4新功能和Bug修复列表: 1、Add Function List Panel (customizable, support C++ and Javascript for the moment). 2、Display the error/result in the new added statusbar of Find/Replace dialog instead in popup dialogs. 3、Add delimiter select by ctrl+Double click feature. 4、Add set begin position feature for selection. 5、Fix fold all command bug (which folds partially). 6、Fix opening the same file twice due to its different path (for example symbol link). 7、Fix deleting macro from macro menu crash issue. 8、Fix the bug of Window position not saved/restored properly. 9、Fix small window size problem due to closing Notepad++ in icon state (reduced in the taskbar) on the last session. 10、Enhance Block comment: remove 1024 bytes limit. 11、Fix a detection error of UTF16 file from a binary file. 12、Enhance the performance of switching files if folding is applied. 13、Fix macro problem: Find functionality doesn't work in "Run a Macro Multiple Times". 14、Enhance the performance while double clicking on a very long word. 15、Enhance TAB/Space conversion: UTF8 support and preserving the current state. 16、Change the Preferences dialog's UI (List interface instead of tab interface). Notepad++ 6.4.1 最新绿色版下载: 绿色版 : http://download.tuxfamily.org/notepadplus/6.4.1/npp.6.4.1.bin.zip 5.89MB 安装版 : http://download.tuxfamily.org/notepadplus/6.4.1/npp.6.4.1.Installer.exe 7.1MB